Over the past few weeks we have taken on another garage, this one is in Royston on the boarders of Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire. They had been previously using a major franchise smart repair service for all there scuffs and chips but were not pleased with there work, how much they were charging and the unreliability of there service.
On contacting us we guaranteed them that we could give them a 5 hour slot every week on a specific day that was good for them, an emergency 48 hour response time if there were any jobs that needed to be done ASAP and the ability of carrying out any job whatever the weather.
The garage in question is Murketts in Royston. Servicing garages for smart repairs is our bread and butter so the more we can do the better. It’s surprising the amount of knocks and scrapes we fix at showrooms and garages, all the better for you the customer, no one wants a scuffed up car.